Course overview


The objective of this course is to train people to get a good job in technology.

Pre-requisites of this course is having completed Code Your Future’s Intro to Programming course which teaches the basics of programming with JavaScript, Python, and SQL.

Outcomes of this course are that you can write high quality code in a language and take a further course to specialise for a job role in tech.


πŸ’» How computers really work

  1. Read about binary numbers
  2. Read about CPU and RAM
  3. Shell tools
  1. Read about programming languages
  2. jq
  3. Shell pipelines

🧰 Tools

  1. Read about operating systems
  2. Learn NodeJS
  3. Implement tools in NodeJS
  4. Implement a single-use data analysis program
  1. Read about operating systems (2)
  2. Learn Python
  3. Implement tools in Python
  4. Convert a script between languages

πŸš₯ Logic

🧩 Decomposition

  1. Read about the Internet
  2. Limitations of frontends
  3. Responsibilities of frontends, backends, and databases
  4. Write a frontend, backend, and database
  5. Deploy a frontend, backend, and database
  1. Read about the world-wide web
  2. Making a non-live chat application
  3. Deploying the chat application
  4. Long-polling requests
  5. Making chat live
  1. Different experiences for different users
  2. Extracting common functionality
  3. Extracting a middleware

πŸ—ΊοΈ Legacy code

  1. Understanding legacy code
  2. Debugging legacy code
  3. Fixing legacy code
  4. Extending legacy code

πŸͺ† Complexity

  1. Memory consumption
  2. Big-O
  3. "Expensive" Operations
  4. Pre-computing
  1. Trade-offs
  2. Network as a bottleneck
  3. Caching